Rumpaging about the garden

A couple of days ago we called in on a friend who had been the recipient of some Boston squash plants earlier in the summer. She complained that they were ‘rumpaging’ about her vegetable garden. She showed me them progressing up the bank adjacent to their bed and along into the courgettes. Not a bad bit of rumpaging, but mine are doing better: across the patio, over the butterfly netting, into the potatoes, up the greenhouse and well on their way up the willow hedge… they obviously like the conditions:

Over the netting

Over the netting

Supported by the blue plastic piping

Supported by the blue plastic piping

Through the willow branches

Through the willow branches

Up into the hedge

Up into the hedge

Through the potatoes and over the greenhouse

Through the potatoes and over the greenhouse

And all the while, producing fruit (I think this is Oregon Homestead)

And all the while, producing fruit (I think this is Oregon Homestead)

And this is Boston - the original 'rumpager'!

And this is Boston – the original ‘rumpager’!


Fingers crossed for an abundant crop that will last the winter!

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  1. Good Luck! We have Pumpkins of a number of varieties and they are taking over the orchard and the nettle patch. Not really caring about the nettles but the orchard is becoming an assault course!


    • Seems to be a great year for all sorts of curcurbits… my sister says that she’s having to battle pumpkins to get up her garden in Hertfordshire too, so it’s not just Wales!


  2. Rumpaging_ love it!



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