It’s all coming together!

It has been a while since I posted a picture of progress on the masterpiece blanket. Originally Easter was my deadline for receiving squares, but one or two people needed a bit of extra time and my end-point was arbitrary, so now the final date is 20 May. So, if you wanted to contribute, but thought you’d run out of time… you have an extra month. If you do still plan to send a square or two, it would be really useful to know… just put a comment below, or drop me an e-mail.

Anyway, I thought you might like to see what it currently looks like:

The masterpiece today

The masterpiece today

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  1. It is looking fantastic! It is such a wonderful idea, something that has touched a cord with so many people. Thank you.


    • I’m really pleased that there has been so much interest. I think that there will be one more ‘column’ of squares… I know of at least five more that are on their way or nearly done and I have some ‘meditation squares’ to add if there are spaces to fill.


  2. so beautiful, and so many memories all wrapped up in it. what an awesome thing to have.


  3. it’s wonderful! Just curious…did you carefully plan where each block would go, or whichever was in your hand next was added? I like the idea of not overthinking when I make a scrappy quilt, but really have a bit of trouble just adding what is on the top of the pile and not agonising so much about matchiness or 2 similar fabrics close together….getting better though 🙂


    • Only the slightest planning – the central nine squares (around and including the sunflower) I did think about. After that I just added them in batches pretty much at random, although trying to avoid putting similar colours together and spreading out the very bright, very pale and very dark ones. It has come out surprisingly well all things considered.


  4. wow, its fantastic! so much work mustve gone into it. I love the skeleton, so fun 🙂


  5. You’re going to have a big project gap when this beauty’s done, not only because the course is finished, but also because of the fun and fellowship it’s generated. I’m glad you’re starting the tree project – something new to contribute to for all of us who’ve become fascinated with the process of collective creation!


  6. It’s looking absolutely fantastic. A real tribute to all the contributors and to your skills at combining all the different pieces.
    xxx Massive Hugs xxx


  7. The Masterpiece looks so amazing! I squealed when I saw my square alongside all the other beauties. Thank-you so much for encouraging so many people from all corners of globe to be a part of something so special! xoxoxoxoxoxox


  8. That is already looking gorgeous. What is more wonderful, is the fact, that all of us are bound by this permaculture concept this blanket symbolises 🙂 This is turning out to be a huge blanket with 9X9 , 81 squares !!! Fantastic.


    • I think there will be nine more… I know of five that are on their way or ready for collection and I have a few of my own in hand if I need some to get the numbers right.
      I think the edging is going to take quite a while and I’m still dithering about what sort of stitch to use. Fortunately I do have lots of the blueberry yarn so I’m not limited by that.


  9. This is truly lovely, I love the snail 🙂


  10. It’s looking wonderful, Jan – I can’t wait to see it finished, and framed in it’s edging layers 🙂

    I’ll have get all my leaf patterns organised soon, to make a start on the tree 🙂


  11. I LOVE that scrumptious hooky snail at the bottom…perfect little square. Lets just hope he doesn’t see fit to snarf up all of those other extra tasty looking hooky squares…



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