The Bolshy Pallet or how a neighbour’s rasp saved the day

The latest in Mr Snail’s adventures with a pallet


Everybody, meet…

Our old, slightly dangerous Garden BenchOur old, slightly dangerous Garden Bench

Our old, slightly dangerous Garden Bench…everybody. Good, now we all know one another, we can start.

This bench was given to thesnailofhappiness by her parents, probably about 20 years ago. Since then, it has done sterling service in the Welsh weather and, save one treatment with Ballistol pine oil, has had little TLC (Timber Looking-after Care).

It, like me, started to sag in the middle a few years back and I fashioned it an extra leg (there are a whole host of reasons why we won’t dwell on that particular terminology) and, you know what? It was almost completely useless…

The third man, er, leg, er stop sniggering at the backThe third man, er, leg, er, stop sniggering at the back

What was needed, said the SOH one day last week, was a support that could be obtained from a piece of pallet, suitably placed under the bench to shore it up…

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  1. I just realised how very long it has been since I tackled my RSS Feed Reader by the amount of The Snail of Happiness posts contained therein! Consider my clicking like and commenting as penance for my lazy sins 😉



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