The March of Progress

The March of Progress

This plastic film is dangerous — suddenly after all these years the experts say. But wait — in order to allay our fears and cheer us up here’s what to do about it: put the food into a bowl and cover it with a saucer… Well I never did! Oh my! The March of...
Poems in my pocket

Poems in my pocket

Don’t you find it sad when books that you love go out of print? Last week one of my favourite poets, Charlotte Mitchell, was featured on Radio 4’s Poetry Please programme and listeners were clearly desperate to read her work. Sadly, her books are out of...

I’m going away for the weekend

…. about 20 minutes down the road to have a little reunion weekend with three of my friends from university… packing for it brings to mind my all time favourite poem: Just In Case I’m going to the sea for the weekend, in a couple of days I’ll...