17 for 2017 – June Update

Progress continued with some of my 17 for 2017 goals in June, and, like May, another two sets of goals were achieved. This is my progress to date:

Seventeen… Love Rocks or other little random yarny/sewn gifts. One more this month, which I’ve just sent off to the recipient. Total 7.

Sixteen… batches of homemade biscuits. I made my final batch this month, so this goal is complete.

A cheese underway

Fifteen… cheeses.  I made one lot of Bel Paese-style cheese. The total now is ten.

Fourteen… pairs of knickers. None this  month, so the total is still six.

Thirteen… mends. Target reached in May.

Twelve… letters to friends. This month, I wrote six letters – half of my target and reaching my goal. But don’t worry – if I’ve promised you a letter, you will get one since I’m on a roll now.

Eleven… new items in my Etsy shop. None this month. The total is still eight.

Ten... plants given to good homes. Target already reached in May.

Nine… games of Scrabble. None yet.

Eight… meals using only our own produce. None yet, although we’re getting closer now that we’re harvesting more.

Seven… visits to see “social media” friends. None this month (although lots of people came to visit us), so the total is still six.

No finished, but started in June – a sock

Six… Pairs of socks knitted, using at least three different patterns. I’ve started a pair this month, but it’s not finished yet, so still only one pair made

Five… book chapters written. None yet.

Four… blankets for charity; knitted or crocheted. Target completed in February.

Three… sessions in the loft, sorting out some of the accumulated ‘stuff’ up there. None yet.

Two… patterns published and on sale. No new pattern this month, so just the one published in January.

 One… gardening apron. Completed in April.
I’m feeling rather pleased with my achievements again this month – especially all the letters.
 If you have a 17 for 2017 blog post or an update on your progress, do leave a link in the comments.
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  1. You are flying through some things while other bits like loft clear-ups and Scrabble games are clearly lagging – though it’s been far too hot for loft work and Scrabble is a great favourite for long winter nights too …… so I guess, eventually all will be well. (I’d be really scared I’d do all the fun things and then leave the less fun things til a week before Christmas which would cause me to have a complete breakdown) 🙂 I’m toddling off to bed now – have a good start to your weekend Jan xo


  2. I can help with scrabble – we play if you want a game???


  3. I think you are doing brilliantly, so mcuh to do in the garden at this time of year, weather permitting. We have just started to eat lettuces from the garden but the toms and cucumbers are a long way off.


    • I have realised that not growing onions is going to make home-grown meals a bit of a challenge this year. Still, I have decided to include my home-made cheese as being an acceptable ingredient, so that opens up some more options.


  4. Laurie Graves

     /  June 30, 2017

    Good progress on that list. I agree that scrabble is best when the days get shorter and the weather cooler.


  5. Annie

     /  June 30, 2017

    I’m impressed. We did our loft last month, whilst the skip was still here. Actually, not much went in it, just a bag of polystyrene and a few random bits. Have a load of things that need to go on ebay though….


  6. Gosh, you’re tearing through this lot! Great progress already, especially when you consider that we’re only just at the halfway point of the year. Keep up the good work… I think I’m going to have to try this myself next year!


  7. Congratulations. They’re really starting to come down now.
    xxx Massive Hugs xxx


  8. You’ve really set a lot of goals for the year, and so varied, too. I think I may join you next go around. I have a handful of things that never quite make it off the list.


  9. My sweet tooth loves that your “make biscuits” goals was one of the first completed!



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