
As a relative novice as regards crochet, I have recently wanted to explore some techniques and have a go at some design work. To this end I have been making ‘samplers’ that allow me to explore what I can do without a pattern to follow. Being me, however, I do like anything that I make to be useful, so some of these have taken the form of granny squares for the blankets we are making to raise funds for Denmark Farm Conservation Centre:

Purple squares

Purple squares

All of these squares need to be around 15cm across, so there is some limit to testing out larger patterns. Therefore, in addition, I have been making cotton squares that can be used as dishcloths or washcloths. These can be any usable size, which gives me the freedom to play around with larger patterns. So far, I’ve made four of them, but only three are photographed because the other one is rather grubby, having been drafted into use already:

Now, however, I must return to the Masterpiece and finish it off… only three more squares are expected (including one I must collect from Katie the Night Owl – soon I promise, Katie) and then I can edge it. Possibly not the ideal project for summer, but it can’t be helped.


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  1. I love your crochet work and can not believe that you are new to the craft.
    I get a real shock of nostalgia when I see your crochet work. One day, if we ever meet, I must show you my Grandma’s work- lovely crocheted mats with rosettes. She had them everywhere…on the sideboard, underneath things. It is funny how fashions change.


  2. How exciting! The prospect of actually finishing your masterpiece must be UBER exciting and it’s tangible to the rest of us :). I LOVE that second from last purple square…any chance of sharing the pattern? I could see a most beautiful rug being made from a series of them strung together in rainbow colours (Earl says he can’t wait to nibble on a corner or two 😉 ).


    • Before I start writing the pattern, let me just check it’s the one on the left in the bottom row… if so, that’s the one my mum has already instructed me to produce a pattern for, so I’d better get down to it, hadn’t I?


      • Lol YUP once mum asks, you had better deliver. Mum’s are like squeaky wheels you know and narf7’s aren’t much better ;). It looks really lovely and would make a most beautiful rug crocheted up in rainbow bright colours or lovely muted natural colours…LOVE it 🙂


    • after all, how could I disappoint Earl?


      • Indeed…he seems entirely indifferent to my afghan that I just finished but we shall see…Earl has a habit of ignoring things for months on end and then you walk into the lounge-room to see a defluffed ripped up pillow or a shredded woollen “thing” and a most happy Earl 😉


  3. It seems a pity that all that elegant loopiness is used as a dishcloth, but I suppose it’s an efficient use of a test piece…. I think a collection of those would look lovely as a summer bedspread.


  4. What a wonderful set of samplers, Jan – you’re much more adventurous than I am with that – maybe one day I’ll have the courage to give it a go myself!

    As for the ‘dishcloths’ – what a waste of such gorgeousness! Lol

    Talking of making blankets, I’ve just found a bag full of 46 x 6″ polygons, that I’d completely forgotten I’d made – which means it was probably shortly after I started to crochet – I think they were actually meant to be for a blanket, but I don’t remember now! Lol

    So, if they’d be of any use to your fund-raising, then you’re very welcome to them 🙂


  5. Beautiful crochet. I love the creme-coloured squares. You are super talented Mrs Snail. xoxoxoxox


    • It’s strange how much I love crochet now, considering a struggled with it for years and years… a switch must have got flipped in my brain when I turned 45!!


  1. Narf’s Square | The Snail of Happiness

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