Things I can learn from Max

I am very unsettled. The presence (and absence) of builders over the past few weeks means I don’t feel particularly relaxed.

First, every morning, there’s the will they/won’t they arrive question. Then if they don’t turn up first thing the issue of whether I should release the chickens to free range, or whether the builders will appear later and then I’ll have chicken wrangling to deal with. If they do arrive there is disturbance and noise, even though the workers are all very nice and deeply apologetic when they need to ask for something. I had hoped that it would all be over in three weeks, but it’s going to go on longer than that.

In an attempt to work out how I should get through the next few weeks, I have been observing Max, who seems to take this sort of thing completely in his stride (well, shuffle, really). These seem to be his top tips:

1. Everything is better with a friend

Hunting around

Where has our patio gone?

2. Sometimes you’ll put your foot in it, but everything will be OK in the long-run



3. It’s all about getting the right balance

Dogboard NOT duckboard

Dogboard NOT duckboard

4. Life is just an adventure playground

Who says dogs can't climb?

Who says dogs can’t climb?

5. Nothing beats good a nap!



So, there you have it… I’ll be seeking balance, being playful, enjoying the company of my friends and, when all else fails, going back to bed!

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  1. I think Max is an awesome tutor! I suspect he will find he has a ready-made class here (count me in!) 🙂

    I’m like you in that I become unsettled when things are uncertain (and when are they not, really?) Unless, of course, I am the one causing the uncertainty, most likely in the name of creative chaos . . .

    A good snooze sounds lovely, as does hanging out with friends . . . Hope the builders finish up soon and you can begin to enjoy the results. ~ Linne


  2. Guru Max! He knows ‘this too shall pass’ as well as finding the fun in whatever is going on. It’s so sensible really isn’t it? We had a rather spectacular weather induced flooding incident here in the last 24 hours and if not for a slight rise in the road maybe 10 metres before my house I would have been evacuated along with the other folk – including the inhabitants of a rest home and hospital. I am so grateful for that rise! Siddy got a bit tetchy because he couldn’t have his walk then settled in for a rambunctious game of fetch and several long naps. I observed him with interest!


    • Siddy is the southern hemisphere equivalent of Max! So glad that you are on high ground and not in danger of inundation. Does Siddy like to swim?


      • He shows no fear of the ocean, loves his bath, but has never been given the opportunity yet to dog-paddle. This was almost it 🙂 I must email you about the ‘shop page’ I mentioned a couple of months ago – I’m working on it.


  3. Max is a wise guru, and you should attend to his lessons. I prescribe displacement activity; surely you have a mess somewhere that needs energetic tidying, or a small bit of garden that needs digging over…?


    • I have a lot of mess that needs tidying, but I have been so unfocussed that, thus far, it has remained messy! I think that you are right – some activity is required.


      • It will have the dual function of occupying your mind and achieving tidiness. I always do laundry and ironing in these situations…


  4. I’m having work done too….in the house!….my kitties all go hide in the cupboard…..that won’t work for me, I don’t think. And it’s hard to snooze with clumpy feet tromping through.
    Luckily there’s warm winter sunshine outside, and friends to come sit with me and commiserate…personally I think they come to ogle the really cute builder but that’s ok, all part of the fun.


  5. He is a very very wise woofer and a jolly good role model! I may kidnap him


  6. I’ll cross my fingers for some good weather so the builders can move quickly.
    xxx Massive Hugs xxx


  7. I sympathize. Glad that Max is there to provide perspective and lessons. Sometimes you just have to watch someone else!


  8. Empathy, Empathy, sympathy, sympathy – I had builders in a couple of years ago – I don’t think I will ever be able to face it again! So hope things speed along to a delightful conclusion. Hurray for Max!!!


  9. gentlestitches

     /  June 4, 2015

    we just did six months of having the house painted and repaired. I TOTALLY sympathise and we only get by because of our friends. Also I have to report “everything really is wonderful and we are very happy with it” It felt more like 6 years than six months and geeze we worked hard. ❤ ❤ ❤


  10. Valium! Dealing with builders is par for the course. It makes the end result SO much sweeter. A nice quiet builder free conservatory (after you clean up the builders mess). Like banging your head on a brick wall. SO much nicer when you stop 😉


  11. I’m realizing that I’m unsettled too because construction was started in several areas and none have been completed. I shall have to give the builder a good talking to. My son starts these things but has a hard time bringing them to completion. That’s what you get with free labor. 🙂 I too got frustrated when people didn’t show up as expected. Hope the project sees completion soon.


  12. I forgot to say, dogs are wonderful teachers. Max looks like he’s a very bright fellow.


  13. Reblogged this on The Snail of Happiness and commented:

    As some of you already know, our doggy buddy Max finally passed away a couple of weeks ago. It was very peaceful, but has left me feeling very sad. I am trying to remember the lessons that he taught me, so here’s a little reminder for you too…


  14. Laurie Graves

     /  May 30, 2018

    What a darling dog! I know all too well how we feel when our dog buddies go. (Our Liam hasn’t even been gone a week. Our hearts are very, very heavy.) And it’s true that dogs have so much to teach us.Such wonderful lessons. especially “life is just an adventure playground.” So sorry for your loss.


  15. Going Batty in Wales

     /  May 30, 2018

    Wise woofer!


  16. So sorry for your loss ❤


  17. Sorry for your loss. Our little Lilly died 2 years ago and we still miss her and talk about her. Lilly had the gift of dignity: we could walk past a yardfull of savage barking big dogs and she would just look at me and keep strolling by my side. Aren’t we lucky to have dogs!


  18. The animals present in our lives teach us so much. I’m sorry for the loss of your four-footed Max. I never get used to the passing of animals in our lives. I know how much they mean to you. Life can seem empty without them. Gentle hugs.



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