Mending box

Ready for repairs

Ready for repairs

This is my little tool box, stocked with all sorts of things that can be used for stitching, darning, patching and generally making things last longer. I’m sure that I will add to it (especially since I know I have some other darning wool, but can’t seem to put my hand on it).

I’m particularly pleased that everything in there, as well as the box itself, was already in the house. Now, I just need something to practice my boro skills on.

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  1. I love a well roganized tool box of any it slightly OCD but I love (re-) organizeing my tool/sewing/knitting/coloring boxes.


  2. ayayayay, pressed send before spelling check…how funny is that?? Mispselling organizing;0) Shows that I am really not a hopeless case, ha!
    My eye also spotted that nice darning mushroom, what a joy to have found such treasures in your home! Cheers, Johanna


  3. I’m so impressed at the tidiness. Please will you come and organise my whole life?!


  4. I love that you are all set and organized to mend. My mother had a wooden egg for darning socks many years ago. Then there was no darning and the egg disappeared. I miss that egg. 😦 I wondered what you used the little needle nosed pliers for? I do keep a pair of forceps in my sewing room but not pliers. They go in my craft box. 🙂 Happy darning.


  5. I have a sewing box that sits beside my chair – not nearly as tidily replete as yours, but does the trick as occasion warrants. I like to feel I’m ready for any eventuality 🙂


  6. I confess to having several sorts of mending boxes… one for clothes and household linen, one for furniture (small nails, pliers, screws, felt pads, wood glue, etc), one for garden tools, including a sharpening stone, etc. However, the Husband of Chiconia occasionally sees fit to make forays into my well-organised (okay, obsessive) mending world, with the result that when I want that exact green handled awl, or the white plastic covered cuphooks (or whatever…), they’re gone. Grrr. However, he does have other advantages, like being able to put in screws 7ft above the ground without needing a stepladder, so I think I’ll keep him…


  7. gentlestitches

     /  July 7, 2015

    I love your sewing box! You are ready for anything. I have never owned a darning egg but I would love too! An actual egg cup is quite effective but not as good or as nice. 😀


  8. I need to do this! I have odds and ends everywhere so I never get around to sewing and mending. I don’t see a thimble in that box, though!


  9. How nice to have everything all together. I think you have inspired quite a few people!


  10. Excellent re-use Ms Snail. “Everything spit spot and shipshape and ready for action.” Ms Mary Poppins would be very proud of you (note the following pattern requires some use of Google Translate…)


  1. A darn good siuggestion | The Snail of Happiness
  2. A darn good suggestion | The Snail of Happiness

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