Three Things Thursday: 29 December 2016

As usual I’m joining with Emily of Ms Emily’s Home for Full-Grown Nerds (and others) for Three Things Thursday. As she says…

*three things that make me smile: an exercise in gratitude – feel free to steal this idea with wild abandon and fill your blog with the happy*

First, although we don’t ‘do’ presents at Christmas, I was very grateful for the wonderful box of fruit given to us by our neighbours. Over recent months we’ve acted as a parcel drop-off point for them on many occasions and, although this causes us no problems, they just wanted thank us. This lovely gift meant we could have, amongst other things, fresh strawberries and pineapple for breakfast on Christmas morning.



Which leads me on to my second thing… I’ve been able to plant the pineapple top and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it will root and be happy in the limery.

Pineapple futures

Pineapple futures

Third, I’m really enjoying working on a completely new knitting project. Ages ago I bought myself a kit from Sheepfold – it has everything required to make a work bag. This week I decided to set aside crocheting blankets for charity and immerse myself in this project. The yarn is British, the pattern is easy and the colours are really making me smile… when finished it will be felted and have bells on too!

Jester work bag pieces

Jester work bag pieces

So, those are three things making me smile this week – what about you?

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  1. Ann

     /  December 29, 2016

    Wishing you luck with your pineapple. We too have a glass appendix planned, but have yet to come up with a more imaginative name than the bog standard conservatory. The ‘peppery’, or ‘reenactment-baskery’ don’t have the same ring to it, and I doubt we will be growing limes. There may be the nectarine though… ‘The nectarinery??’


  2. Fingers crossed for the pineapple! They’re quite robust once the roots have taken, you just have to worry about not allowing them to get waterlogged. I wish I could send you a few seedlings: a pawpaw, a custard apple, some lemongrass slips. One thing I think you should try is some ginger from a root you buy for cooking with. They root and shoot quite easily. Love your knitting, too, gorgeous happy colours 🙂


    • As you can see, I took your advice with the pineapple! I did have some ginger growing last year, but it gave up the ghost… I think it was the compost (I had a problem batch) so I will definitely try again.


      • Ginger and turmeric are both pretty easy if you can maintain them above freezing. Having said that, I’ve seen ginger growing in an area that freezes. They need to get a good start, and the limery would be ideal.


  3. Have fallen in love with your workbag already.


  4. I’m liking the idea of a basket of fruit as a gift rather than sweets. I had no idea you could plant the top of a pineapple. Looking forward to seeing the finished blanket. Lots to be grateful for here as well. In the process of helping my son get his things packed up to move out, I’ve found things in boxes I have not been able to find until now. It’s better than new things for Christmas. Life is good. And the snow may hold off until he gets at least one day on the road.


  5. I had no idea you could plant a pinapple top and actually have it grow! That’s awesome and a fantastic experiment to do with my daughter. She’s wanted to do a garden for a few years now. Our new house has a large yard and room for a few garden boxes of veg.


  6. I helped a friend declutter her garage over the course of two days and she is now able to park her car in the garage for the first time in three years. That made me smile.

    I love the colors of your gorgeous yarn.


    • I’ve been having a bit of a declutter this morning in preparation for a sewing project… it feels good to clear the decks a bit, but I certainly haven’t made enough space for a whole car!!


      • It does feel good to clear the decks. I’m always ready for a good tidy after the holidays, too. My husband is a bit wistful about putting away the Christmas decorations, but I’m usually ready to move on to the next thing. Homes in this area don’t have usable attics (or lofts) or basements and most don’t have cellars either, so any extraneous storage often falls to the garage. That said, a lot of “storage” is just stuff that doesn’t have a home or a purpose. It can be hard for people to make decisions, so they delay that by putting it into the garage for another day. I love the feeling of open space and tidy surfaces so I always strive for that.


  7. I’m also growing a pineapple since this summer, so far so good 😉


  8. Have begun to look all starry eyed at your workbag as of now.



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