Three Things Thursday: 17 August 2017

My weekly exercise in gratitude – three things that are making me smile – feel free to steal this idea with wild abandon and fill your blog [or Twitter account or Facebook page or diary or life in general] with happiness.

First, a new mug. To raise money to help Syrian refugees, participants in the Sixty Million Trebles project were invited to submit a photograph of one of their blankets or squares to be included on a mug that would be sold within the group. I sent a picture and waited to see if it would be included… and I’m delighted to say that it’s in the top middle above the logo… here’s my mug (from various angles) and a picture of the original square (although not the same picture as on the mug):

Second, all the courgettes. Tomorrow’s task is to make them into a big vat of soup for freezing.


and I haven’t harvested any today yet


Third, this

There’s a tiny bit of finishing required at the top, and there was slight delay in installation because the magnetic catches didn’t arrive when they were supposed to, but it’s all ready to be used now – hurrah!

So, what’s making you happy this week?


Emily of Nerd in the Brain originally created Three Things Thursday, but it’s now being hosted by Natalie of There She Goes.

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  1. Wonderful mug, what a lovely moment to have.
    Swallows darting over the meadow, ripe apples and raspberries, and time to mess around are making me particularly happy today! ❤


  2. Wow that cupboard, it’s simply wonderful. I love your mug, what a super momento. Courgette soup I have never heard of but courgette cake, yes please. Happy today, well I won some cheese yesterday at the Family History Group meeting, and with french bread and tomato salad today it was yummy. And we had home grown cucumber, so that’s two. And three , your post, always makes me smile ! Thank you.


    • I try to make loads of courgette and carrot soup for the freezer every year – it’s delicious and very economical (just onions, courgettes, carrots and stock), especially when the courgette glut arrives.


  3. It must have been a lovely moment when the mug arrived, and courgette and pesto soup is one of my favourites!


  4. Murtagh's Meadow

     /  August 17, 2017

    How lovely to have your square appear on the mug – well deserved 🙂


  5. What a lovely mug! If I had it I’m sure it would so captivate me every morning when drinking my coffee, I wouldn’t get around to reading all the blog posts 🙂 Isn’t that wonderful – your spiral square is featured so prominently – High Five missus!! 🙂 And of course those shelves – delicious! Why are they still empty? Can’t wait to see them all filled up with your produce and stuff….


  6. Congrats on the mug – it’s a lovely square to be included 🙂

    Well done with the courgettes – I had a petit pois, courgette, and roquefort cheese wholemeal quiche for dinner today, so there’s another use! Lol

    I am now totally, and utterly, envious of your wonderfully hand-made bookcase and cabinets – may you have many, many years of joy, happiness, recipes, and wonderful things to eat, from them all 🙂

    P.S: If that were in my house, the top would have been totally filled with bookcases – forget space for food! Lol Mind you, you’ve seen what my place is like, so I guess that wouldn’t be a surprise at all! Lol


  7. Gorgeous mug and even more gorgeouser cupboard! I’m grateful the sun is shining, that my watering system has decided to work again and that there is a tiny improvement in the hacking cough the flu kindly left me with…


    • Goodness, you are under the weather at the moment… I do hope you are feeling better soon. I had a chest infection some years ago that had a horrible cough and I remember that feeling of not being able to rest properly because every time I lay down I started coughing. And sleeping propped upright, just isn’t the same. is it? I hope you find some relief soon.


  8. Aw what a lovely mug! Are they for sale outside the group? I bet you could raise a bit more money with them
    I’m grateful for my love coming back from holiday (I missed him!), my friend visiting from China (I miss him too!), and finally starting to get some treatment on my injured knee 🙂


  9. Laurie Graves

     /  August 18, 2017

    The spiral is my favorite shape, and I so love the square you made. What an honor to be chosen and what a great mug. Congrats!


  10. Love it all especially mug and the beautiful cabinets. I bet you cannot wait to fill those shelves 🙂 San x


  11. I love that mug! What a terrific idea and how wonderful to be featured on the face of the mug near the logo. Will you drink from it, or will you use it for crafting tools? I have a few pretty mugs that I prefer to keep on my desk with tools. One was a gift from a friend 35 years ago. It’s a cat, of course). Your shelves are gorgeous. I’m so happy for you.


  12. This mug is so cool! I have so many mugs, I really like them! It’s a great idea too. And your new shelves look great too!



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