Three Things Thursday: 7 September 2017

My weekly exercise in gratitude – three things that are making me smile – feel free to steal this idea with wild abandon and fill your blog [or Twitter account or Facebook page or diary or life in general] with happiness.

First, visiting a friend. On Tuesday I went to visit Sue, who lives about an hour away and who I met as a result of blogging. We had a lovely day, chatting and setting up her new blog (more on this when she’s properly up and running). She has these words of inspiration in her kitchen:IMGP4028 (2)

Second, the harvest. The garden and limery continue to yield their bounty. And, after a few days of rain, the courgettes were huge!

Third, still alive. We have had a poorly dog over the past month, but I’m happy to say that after a couple of weeks of antibiotics, liver support tablets, multi-vitamins and a change to a low fat diet, Max seems to be somewhat better. He’s an old boy, so he won’t be with us for too much longer, but at least he’s eating well and happy now… even though he is doing a very good Eeyore impersonation in the photos.

So, that’s what’s making me happy this week. How about you?


Emily of Nerd in the Brain originally created Three Things Thursday, but it’s now being hosted by Natalie of There She Goes.

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  1. So glad Max has recovered and is enjoying life again. Your food preservation is always impressive! Love that Dancing in the Rain quote.
    My three things: we have had some glorious sunsets recently, I look forward to watching them each evening; the children are back at school, I love the holidays and I love when they go back to school, the turn of the seasons keeping things in balance; I have discovered a whole new world of crocheted mandala patterns on Ravelry – I can’t adequately describe the excitement of trying all these complicated and fascinating new patterns, I don’t really understand why they make me so happy, but they do!


  2. I really enjoyed Tuesday so THANK YOU Jan. I am working on the blog and am planning to go to the library to use their faster internet connection to make it easier.


    • I still can’t work out why those buttons won’t appear… I’m going to contact their help desk when I have a minute.
      Anyway, thank you for a lovely day (despite the internet sluggishness!) I really enjoyed spending time with you.


  3. I’m grateful for having finished quilting the Sea Glass quilt. Just the binding to finish, and she’s done! I’m grateful that I heard the water dripping in time to save the two laptops, printer, 3Tb external backup hard drive, keyboard, labelling machine and internet mobile dongle from a badly leaking air conditioning unit. And I’m grateful the antibiotics seem to be working and the hideous cough from the chest infection that followed the flu is diminishing at last. On the truly positive side, there are blossoms on my lemon and lime trees, there are tiny fruit on the avocado and mango trees, and my baby custard apple tree is once again doing its best to flower. Fingers crossed that fruit will follow 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Poor Max, but he’s lucky to be so well looked after 🙂 He’s really cute!


  5. Haha you just reminded me – I’m 29 years old and it was only at summer camp this year that I realised ‘Eeyore’ is the sound a donkey makes. Total lightbulb moment, which made everyone around me laugh!
    I’m glad Max is better now and that you’re still getting lots of lovely veggies 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Oh, Max–that face! Glad to hear he’s doing better–that’s definitely something to be thankful for, on your long list!


  7. Max has a definite message for you with that cob on! I am grateful for runner beans, my eye test yesterdaywhich revealed that I don’t have glaucoma despite what Specsavers thought and it’s lunch time and I have food! So sorry for those caught up in hurricanes and those fleeing into Bangladesh.


    • Yes, we do have so much to be grateful for – the earth does not shift underneath us, we have homes and full bellies and we are safe from floods and storms. Seeing the effect on the Caribbean islands of Irma and the floods in India, Bangladesh and Nepal should make us all realise how lucky we are.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Laurie Graves

     /  September 7, 2017

    Yes, that Max! What a wonderful face. We are in a similar situation with our dog-buddy Liam, so I know exactly how your feel. Liam, too, is at the end of his life, and this makes our time with him all the more precious. If only dogs lived longer! On a happier note…always great visiting a friend, blog or otherwise. And such bounty!


    • I hope Liam is doing ok. We have had Max for 10 years – prior to that he was in a home where he was neglected, so every good day we can give him is precious.


      • Laurie Graves

         /  September 7, 2017

        Oh! So glad he is with you now and has had a wonderful ten years. Liam is holding his own. His digestive system has become extremely touchy, but we are learning how to deal with this. Buddies, buddies!

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Max is so cute. I’m determined to have a small dog one of these days – we’ve always had quite big ones. I’d have to sneak it in past my husband first though which, if it’s little, will be easy 😉
    I have been, almost literally, felled these past four or five days with what I think is some sort of sciatica. I have been trying not to sit for too long, rolling about on an inflatable ball, doing lots of yoga poses (those I can get in to) and resorting on occasion to the ibuprofen and/or the wine. Today, I managed to run up the stairs instead of walking up sideways so that has made me both happy and grateful for the excellent mobility I’m usually blessed with.


    • Ouch! That sounds very painful… hope you make a full recovery soon.
      All our dogs have been small, but every one of them has been at least part terrier, so none of them have any concept of their diminutive size!


  10. Annie

     /  September 7, 2017

    Glad Max is OK, and yes, he does a great Eeyore. We had a lovely weekend visit from 2 re-enactor friends. Steve made a falchion scabbard (that’s a kind of sword) for Paul, and Emily helped me to make a proper block (paper pattern) for Steve’s new doublet. And Paul cooked us dinner. That’s all 3 in one I think! 🙂


  11. I hope Max continues to feel happy and is well for the moment.


  12. Max is channeling Eeyore! 😀 I’m happy to hear he is doing better – these are the precious days as the clock starts ticking down for our boys……….. I can’t begin to count the things that have made me happy this week – I’m such a fortunate gal!! 🙂


    • It’s been a good week for me too- I could have listed many more things, but Max is probably the most important… he’s actually quite perky today and may even be well enough to go to his appointment with the groomer next week.

      Liked by 1 person


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