Three Things Thursday: 7 December 2017

My weekly exercise in gratitude – three things that are making me smile – feel free to steal this idea with wild abandon and fill your blog [or Twitter account or Facebook page or diary or life in general] with happiness.

First, new glasses. Suddenly, it’s much easier to read small print and see my crochet. How lucky I am to live in a country where we have ready access to opticians and the necessary technology .IMGP4747

Second, dream, plan, do. I’m planning to do some different things in 2018, including focusing on developing my creative endeavours as a business. So, I’m very happy that this creative planner from The Design Trust has arrived. I will be settling down with it very soon.IMGP4746

Third, helpful people. The internet is great, but sometimes speaking to a real person is better. A couple of phone calls this morning have set my mind at rest about an order that I knew I’d placed but wasn’t being listed in my online account and for which I hadn’t received an email confirmation. Apparently all is fine except, perhaps, the technology!

So, that’s some of what’s making me happy this week. How about you?


Emily of Nerd in the Brain originally created Three Things Thursday, but it’s now being hosted by Natalie of There She Goes.

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  1. Couldn’t agree more on all three reasons to be grateful. I have just met up with a friend for coffee, she starts early, hurrah for friends and early starts.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m grateful that a mysterious white blob which frightened me on a recent chest x-ray is nothing to worry about. I’m grateful for people willing to share their experiences and stories for a current project dear to my heart. And I’m grateful for glasses too, without which none of my creative endeavours or my pleasure in books would be possible 🙂 (But I suspect a new prescription will be necessary in January 😦 )


  3. Laurie Graves

     /  December 7, 2017

    New glasses are always great. Best of luck with your creative venture! Hope you keep us posted!


  4. coppicelearner

     /  December 7, 2017

    Like you I have met some very helpful people this week – a man who unfroze my iPad and refused to charge me for doing so (I put something in the charity box on the counter). Another man in B&Q who patiently answered my many questions about a new sink for the cabin. The delivery driver from the builder’s merchants who unloaded blocks by hand into the shelter of the car port and the skip delivery man who negotiated my narrow twisty drive and put the skip just where I wanted it. The two waitresses today, one in a coffee shop and one where I had lunch, who were very cheerful despite being busy. They all gave me more than they had to and I was so grateful.


  5. Murtagh's Meadow

     /  December 7, 2017

    Good luck with your new creative endevours. Look foward to hearing more about it.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Love that planner! Your glasses look good, too. I added my three to my post for yesterday and linked to you.Have to go, but thanks again for the inspiration. ~ Linne


  7. Working glasses are definitely something to be grateful for! I love your new journal. I’m looking forward to hearing more of your 2018 plans.


  8. I’m late to the party again, but still grateful for a new opportunity that’s appearing on the horizon for me, for central heating, and for the chance to catch up with a friend I haven’t seen for over a year.



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