Toasty toes times two and a long-overdue project

All the lists are gone, all the targets swept away! New year – no resolutions except to embrace creative inspirations and see where they take me. In fact, I made a start on this in the final two days of 2017, meaning that by new year’s day I had completed a project that I’d been wanting to get to grips with for months.

Ages ago – a couple of years, perhaps – Kate (Tall tales from Chiconia) very kindly sent me some sheepskin slipper soles that she has no use for in her tropical home. At the time I had some perfectly serviceable crochet slippers, so I put the soles to one side for future use. Since then those original slippers have been much mended… new crochet soles, reinforced sides, darning, more darning… but finally I decided to retire them (i.e. put them in the compost… wool is a good slow-release fertilizer). So a new pair of slippers was required and the time had come. I used Berber carpet wool and improvised the pattern:

Many thanks, Kate, they are lovely and warm and comfy.

Whilst I was in the mood for using things that have been sitting around for ages, I decided the time had also come to seek out a pattern for some yarn that Mr Snail bought for me for my birthday last year (or possibly the year before). The wool (New Lanark Aran in bramble) was chosen with a particular pattern in mind that I then decided I didn’t want to use. So, a bit of hunting around and I found a beautiful sweater pattern that appealed. In order to maintain momentum, I got started on it straight away. I’m using the row counter and some of the stitch markers that Kim put in my stitching santa box, so her gifts really were just right for me:

I’m rather surprised that it’s so difficult to show the colour of the wool accurately – those pictures were taken in natural light about two minutes apart. It’s actually about half way between the two, but the lighter one does show the different colours that are in there.

The new year has also started with some sock knitting as I’ve promised Mr Snail a second pair of wellie socks… his choice of yarn (we went and bought it together):


WYS Aran


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  1. Ding and you’re off! Great slippers 🙂 You wouldn’t need them here any time soon, though !


  2. Goodness me! It’s only 3rd!! Impressed or what?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great start to the year! Keep that momentum going!


  4. coppicelearner

     /  January 3, 2018

    Love the slippers and the yarns.


  5. I think ‘going with the flow’ can be just as productive. Those slippers look very cosy indeed – I’ve seen some similar soles around and they are something I’ve been thinking of toying with myself.


  6. Wonderful snuggly slippers 🙂


  7. Hurray! I’m sorry your old slippers have been retired, but I’m very glad to see the sheepskin soles getting used. And another hurray for just making stuff for the pleasure of it, rather than having timetables and goals and lists and other forms of self-inflicted pressure. Enjoy your Making Just Because.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Laurie Graves

     /  January 4, 2018

    Oh, those slippers! So warm and cozy. Looking forward to seeing more of your creative projects for 2018.


  9. Go you! You’re looking like a creative powerhouse already, look forward to seeing what more your freedom from goals brings! Do you have a link to the slipper pattern? I knitted some slippers with a sheepskin sole, but the knitted bit was way too floppy’ and they were pretty much a death trap.


    • No pattern I just made them up as I went along… I started with a chain of 66 stitches, , joined it in a loop, did 2 rounds of dc (UK terminology). The this point a stitched the crochet to the sole. I then went round again, past the toe (about 20 dcs from the centre of the toe) and chained across to the other side (leaving a gap big enough for my foot to got through) and filled in the top of the foot, decreasing as I went. I then rejoined at the back and dc’d round the leg bit until it was the right height, then did three rows of trebles back and forth to make the folded over bit with a gap at the back. That may not make sense at all, but perhaps you can follow it!

      Liked by 2 people

      • Thanks. Seems to make reasonable sense and I’m sure will make more if I actually have a hook and some yarn in my hand. Thanks again! 🙂


  10. I love that burgundy yarn! Well done on the slippers, they do look super comfy and durable. 😊


  11. I love that you are doing more (and being more creative, perhaps?) with no lists to tick. Interesting how sometimes goals inspire and sometimes they stifle. The sweater is lovely; I really like that neckline and the flared skirt. And the slippers made me smile; so many of my own creations happen that way. Lots of fun! Until someone asks me how I do it . . . Hope you are staying warm over there. I’m busy here 🙂 ~ Linne


  12. Jan, you’ve been busy! Slippers, socks, and the start of a gorgeous sweater (I love purple). I finished a small crocheted blanket last night. There is something wonderful about a fresh new year.


  13. What cosy-looking slippers! They would be perfect right now, we’re down to -5 today


  14. ❤ this idea


  1. Start as you mend to go on | The Snail of Happiness

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