Foxy Roxy and the rainbows

Not long after we lost Max the friend who was so supportive over that time also lost one of her dogs. Roxy was a Vizla who, like Max, far outlasted her prognosis. Even so, her death was a blow and she will be much missed.

You may remember the beautiful light catcher that Pauline made for me in memory of Max (who looked rather like her dog Siddy) and how touched I was by it. It continues to bring me rainbows and to provide a beautiful reminder of my much-missed pal. I thought, therefore, that it would be lovely to be able to give my friend a Roxy memorial light catcher and so I asked Pauline if she could oblige. I sent her this photo, showing Roxy in her favourite fleecy ‘pyjamas’, and asked if the light catcher could be made in these colours:

roxy copyright

Roxy in her ‘pyjamas’

And what a marvellous creation arrived through the post. The colours look a bit washed out because it’s just so darned sunny here at the moment, but they are really evocative of the original.

So, if you are looking for a special memento, or just a beautiful decoration for your house, do check out Pauline’s creations here.

I’m dubious about the idea of ‘shrines’ to loved ones, but I am very taken with the idea of capturing happy memories, and the light catchers seem to do this perfectly – the rainbows they create capture the ephemeral nature of life and it’s associated beauty. Grief and loss are so very difficult the deal with, and finding ways of moving on from the gaping hole and remembering the good times are really important if we are to lead full lives. Incidentally, I was much inspired by the animated film Coco in addressing ideas surrounding death and loss – I highly recommend, whatever your age (don’t be fooled – it isn’t a typical Disney film and the trailer doesn’t do it justice).

Just a word of warning – if you do commission Pauline to make a memorial light catcher, be prepared for floods of tears from the recipient.


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  1. Lovely… And who’s to say that some of the atoms that were formerly Max and Roxy are not even now twinkling motes in the beams of sunshine generated by those lovely things? They’re still lighting up your lives 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. They are beautiful. X

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pauline’s light catchers are treasures. I like the idea that they’re so many different places in the world .

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pauline did another wonderful job here and I’ll bet it did make your friend tearful when you gave it to her. A lovely gift.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Laurie Graves

     /  July 16, 2018

    What a wonderful post! As you know, we just lost our Liam so I had tears in my eyes as I read what you wrote. And, I also really liked “Coco.” Terrific movie!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. A lovely gift indeed.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. What a lovely post Jan – thanks so much for the pingback and shout out 🙂 I was so happy to hear your friend liked it. I am taking lessons from you in how to photograph the jolly things – they are so hard to capture in a still, they are made for the dancing of the light!

    I found a copy of Coco and watched it and isn’t it a wonderful presentation of the possibilities around the Day of the Dead festival! It also made me think of that quote from someone I don’t now recall ‘Don’t die with your music still in you!’ Do you recall the novel I mentioned to you – it deals with exactly the surmise that we live on until the last person who remembers us has also died. Wonderful stuff!! Thanks again, I really appreciate your support xo

    Liked by 2 people

  8. What a wonderful way to memorialize beloved pets. Such a beautiful light catcher but I don’t think Pauline has made one I didn’t like. I have 2 of them and several pieces of her art. You can tell she puts her heart and soul into every piece she makes.


  9. I wonder how many of us have these treasured light catchers at this point! Pauline brought sparkles into all our lives!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Beautiful in every way!


  11. Jolex

     /  July 18, 2018

    Roxy was my beloved dog and I can confirm both that the light catcher is utterly beautiful, and will be treasured, and that seeing it for the first time did elicit a storm of emotion. Thank you


  12. What a beautiful way to commemorate a pet (or even a person). I’m sure the tears will be replaced by smiles after looking at this and remembering happy times.



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