Small but mighty

It all started last year when I attended a Merched Medrus (Women in Business) meeting at which the CEO of an organisation called Antur Cymru was present. “We have some new business advisors starting next week,” she said “so, if any of you need some help, then let me know.”

Fast forward a couple of weeks and we heard about a grant that was available to help small businesses. “That’s us” we thought and downloaded the application form… oh my goodness. “These aren’t for people like us” said Mr Snail. “Let me contact the CEO of Antur Cymru,” said I, “she said they could help.” And so, we did.

Then started a tsunami of help… a business advisor (the brilliant Debra) who went through the grant application form with us, advised us about our business generally and said she would put us in touch with a digital marketing advisor (the equally brilliant Lynne). Since then, we’ve changed the way we do social media, we’ve been successful in two grant applications, we’ve commissioned a new website (watch this space) and we applied for an award from Small Business Britain… which is how we ended up at an awards ceremony in London last week as one of eight businesses from across the UK shortlisted for the High Street Hero award.

It might be best not to dwell on the dreadful train journey down to London and to focus on our lovely friend Joelle, with whom we left our car and who chauffeured us to and from the station. Once in London we were able to walk from Paddington Station to our hotel and from our hotel to the venue – St Mary’s Church.

Sadly we didn’t win, but we did have a brilliant time. We flew the flag for Wales with Mr Snail’s waistcoat (thank you Emma) and matching handkerchief; we appeared in all our borrowed (thank you mum and Wendy) and secondhand (thank you Vinted) finery, and Mr Snail got to be a total fan boy with Sue Perkins, who was the compere. I spent most of the evening with a balloon snail on my head, courtesy of Miss Ballooniverse, and we were entertained by the amazing London Gay Men’s Chorus. We met some fabulous business owners and had the privilege of sitting next to the ultimate overall winners Joseph and Levi of Green Doors (who rescue doors and windows).

The pictures probably sum up the trip better than words. From crochet and knitting on the train, to standing in the bike sore from Swindon to London; from recovering with a lovely dinner and checking out the venue, to being tourists for the day, and then the big event itself, before returning home the following day:

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  1. Many many congratulations for being a finalist…it looks like you had great fun on your expedition. Well done!!!


  2. Congratulations! Well done 🙂


  3. Nikki

     /  May 23, 2024

    That fabulous grin on Mr Snail’s face on meeting the brilliant Sue Perkins says it all! Thank you for sharing such a wonderful event.


  4. Well done to you both, what an achievement.


  5. Oh lovely! The only way to have improved on this would have been for you to win, but participating seems to have been very rewarding too! Congratulations to you both, you both looked smashing, and it sounds as if you’ve got some great help with focusing and directing the business going forward. Hugs (minus the Covid I’m still fighting).


  6. You’ve done so well. It’s a constant trial keeping on top of everything as a small business – and I don’t have a physical shop. I can imagine how much more effort and headspace that would require and I’m so impressed. 💜


  7. Going Batty in Wales

     /  May 24, 2024

    I am so glad you got inspiring and very practical business advice plus grants which always help! Shame you didn’t win the award but it sounds like an interesting adventure with some luxurious bits in the mix. You both look great in your borrowed finery and I LOVE Mr Snail’s waistcoat.


  8. How exciting either way! And I agree with all of the comments…you both look wonderful and happy.


  9. Congratulations you did brilliantly.


  10. You both look so happy, especially Mr Snail, fan-boy with Sue P, only rivalled perhaps by a balloon snail on your head! Congratulations, not only on being nominated, but for all the fabulous work you are doing to have a shop promoting crafting and recycling. 💓


  11. how amazing, the whole experience but also the help for your business – awesome



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