A day in the life

Well, obviously you all like photographs: yesterday turned out to be a very busy day here on my blog. While you were all enjoying my post, I was generating even more pictures and having a ‘green’ day. This mainly involved cooking: I made a wonderful cake using Karen’s recipe on Sweet Baby Veg, but whilst she used gooseberries and elderflower cordial, I used raspberries and framboise… because that was what I had in the house. The framboise I have is British not French and I can highly recommend it (details here) – both for making Kir (white wine and fruit mixer) and in this cake.

Plus, I made some of the courgette mountain into soup. This time I chose to make courgette and carrot soup, which speaks for itself – the only other ingredients are onions, water and seasoning.

And, of course, my day wouldn’t be complete without something crafty. Despite the fact that my Masterpiece edging is calling, I have taken some time out to contribute to a yarn storming project (I don’t like the phrase yarn bombing). I was asked if I could make some bunting pennants for this: I managed 10 of them, which are now being blocked so that they actually are triangular. In addition, Kate over at Tall Tales from Chiconia is planning to make some quilts to donate to Australian sevicemen and women. When I was in my teens I started making a quilt, but it has never been finished, so I decided to drag out the blocks I had already pieced and send these to Kate for her to see what she can make of them. They’ll have to travel by sea, which will take a few months, but hopefully they will finally be transformed into something useful rather than sitting in a box in my loft for another thirty plus years. I’m going to send some of the fabric too, as I know that I will never use it myself.

Of course, there were less photogenic activities… cleaning out the laying boxes in the hen house, walking the dogs, cooking dinner (more courgettes!), harvesting… you know the sort of thing. All in all, quite a green day – I hope yours was too!

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  1. Wow! I reckon there’s material for several quilts there! It’s really generous of you to send it, and I shall share with you the enthusiastic response I’m told the donated quilts get from the service people. After all, it will be partly your hard work too. And now I must go and wipe the drool off my chin after looking at that cake 😦


    • Well, the blocks are hand-stitched – each is about 38cm square, so they aren’t very big. You might as well have the fabric that goes with them since I know it could easily spend another 30 years being unused.


      • I shall spread the love across several quilts to ensure maximum coverage, and they’ll certainly see active service well before another 30 years is up!


  2. You really were busy, busy, busy. The bunting looks great. I’m sure the service men and women will enjoy great pleasure from the quilts.
    xxx Massive Hugs xxx


  3. excellent idea for the cake and the soup…. i may just have the ingredients sitting in my fridge 🙂 thank you!
    I actually like the “old school” fabric you’re going to send over – it’s great that the material will get used at some point 🙂


  4. They say that if you want something done, to ask a busy person! You really ARE busy, aren’t you – and all to wonderful results, too!
    I loved the look of the courgette and carrot soup, and my mouth absolutely watered at the pics of that amazing-looking cake, Jan – you really shouldn’t be allowed to tease your friends with such luscious goodies, you know! Lol


  5. Wow, that cake looks like heaven. I can almost smell its scrumptiousness from here. Wish my (puny) raspberry harvest (approx. 6 per day) was more like yours. Enjoy the cake. And the soup.


  6. Gorgeous looking cake and lovely snippet of hooky there Ms Snail 🙂



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