Dream a little dream

You may remember that I had two projects using 100% wool lined up for Wovember – some fingerless mitts and a hat and neck-warmer set. Well, it turns out that I really should plan ahead and make sure that I have everything necessary for projects at the outset. Admittedly, the hat/neck-warmer issue was simply a case of not knowing how much yarn I would require and discovering that I only had enough for the latter. Still, it is complete and Hannah has spun me some more yarn so I can make the hat… so that’s on hold until said yarn arrives. In the mean time, here’s a glimpse:

Detail of neck warmer

Detail of neck warmer

As for the mitts, believe it or not, the problem was not having the right needles! I always assume that I will have exactly what I need in this respect, as I have so many, but this project requires such fine needles, that I simply didn’t have any. I love knitting on wooden needles, but the most slender ones are very fragile and they warp, so I bit the bullet and ordered some KnitPro Karbonz: so many people have raved about these, that I decided it was time to give them a go. They are expensive, but I hope they will be long-lived.

I've got plenty of yarn... the wool from Karen is the top three cakes on the right

I’ve got plenty of yarn… the wool from Karen is the top three cakes on the right

So, while I’m waiting for more wool and more needles, what to do? As the rain poured down on Sunday afternoon, I decided to spend some time browsing Ravelry for inspiration about what I might do with some of the yarn in my stash. I could simply have knitted some more socks (I’ve got quite a bit of sock yarn squirrelled away), but there are three cakes of yarn that have been calling to me recently and I wanted to see if I could find a suitable project. The story behind this particular yarn goes back to a post written a long time ago by Karen (of Sweet Baby Veg). Karen was having a tough time and wrote about some horrible mail she had received. I felt so much sympathy that I decided to try to counter this by sending her something lovely in the post. So, I made a bag for her and sent it off. In return, she sent me some yarn. However, apart from using a tiny bit of it to make a square for the masterpiece, it’s been sitting in my stash ever since until inspiration struck.

My quest on Sunday was to find something to make that would allow me to use this yarn but wasn’t a hat, scarf, socks, mitts or shawl. In total, I have about 300g of this wool, but I also have lots of other wool… so what about a multi-coloured garment? The texture of the wool suggested outer-wear to me… which would certainly mean adding more yarn from my stash. And finally I came across the perfect pattern: the circular Dreamcatcher Top. This is going to be perfect to snuggle in to when I’m editing and it shouldn’t fall off my shoulders, as shawls have the tendency to do. So, yesterday evening I made a start:

The dream begins

The dream begins

I’m not sure that I would have gone out and bought the colour-combination that I’m using, but that random element of just incorporating what I have (I need 100g each of 10 colours) seems to be working. And, anyway, this is turning out to be a huge stash-buster, which can’t be a bad thing!


Just for information, the wool is from various producers: New Lanark, Sirdar, Emu, The Natural Fibre Company, Tavistock Tastes and Textures (this is the wool from Karen) and Jamieson’s of Shetland

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  1. I was nodding in sympathy. I had three dressmaking projects lined up, but had to put them aside, one after the other because I lacked thread, bias binding and zippers, in that order. At least my lacks were more easily resolved than having to wait for something to be spun for me!


  2. I clicked onto the link for the Dreamcatcher Top,oh my it’s beautiful !!!! another project I’m drooling over LOh


  3. That should have been LOL I was drooling so much my finger slipped on the key board !!!


  4. I have been wondering how to make something like the dreamcatcher top for ages – and there you go and pass on an actual pattern. What a doll!! Thank you very much, my next project is lined up and ready to go!! 🙂 The neck warmer is looking very warm and a matching hat will be just perfect. You’ll be able to walk the dogs in all weather and stay warm – maybe some matching gloves might be necessary too!


    • I’m sure Hannah would be delighted to spin me some more yarn!!
      Oh I’m so glad to be of help with the pattern. I like it because it’s a bit out of the ordinary. I’m sure I could have made up a pattern, but I hadn’t had the basic idea to begin with, so my hour on Ravelry was well worth it.


  5. I clicked on the Dreamcatcher and could see where your first beautiful cycle was going to fit. Hope your supplies come soon. I can be a bit crazed when I don’t quite have everything I need!


  6. Ah, the best laid plans of mice and……… maybe the lack of things to complete the other projects was actually leading you in this direction all the time. You’ve got off to a very colourful start anyway.
    xxx Massive Hugs xxx


  7. What a beautiful pattern and I love the southwest colors. You find those colors used almost exclusively in Arizona and New Mexico where there are large Indian populations. I’ve actually had a dream catcher on my wall for well over 20 years. Never saw it woven into a shawl before though. Looking forward to seeing the finished project.


  1. Dream on… Three Things Thursday | The Snail of Happiness

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