Beatrice is keeping me clean

In my younger days I did a lot of dressmaking, but I don’t do so much now, partly because I don’t live alone (as I did until I was nearly 30) and using a sewing machine is not very sociable. Knitting and crochet, on the other hand are quiet and portable and I’m better at them! However, the older I get the more sewing I find myself doing. This way I can choose eco-friendly fabrics and turn them into garments that I actually want to wear and that won’t fall to bits after a few months.

I’ve been wanting a new apron to wear whilst cooking for a while now. My old one was ok, but didn’t provide the coverage I wanted and didn’t have pockets. I hadn’t seriously looked for a new one, but happened to see mention on the Facebook ‘Make do and Mend’ group of a pattern for, what looked to me, like a perfect pinny. It’s called Beatrice and it’s a design from Sew Me Something. I bought the pattern (delivered the next day) and ordered some fabric (one length of organic cotton and one of an organic cotton/bamboo mix from The Organic Textile Company) and some bias binding. And then, helped by the vaarks as pattern weights, I made my pinnies…

I’m really pleased with the results… although they may be too nice to get dirty! I think I might make another in denim to wear for gardening…

Oh and just a reminder, in case you missed it, that yesterday’s post involved a give-away… you can check it out here.

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  1. Love it! Exactly what I’ve been looking for. Thanks😊


  2. Kathryn

     /  November 25, 2016

    Perfect pinnies! And I can see you are a Gudrun fan. I’ve got that same dress in pink – love it.
    I’ve posted you on Ravelry about the socks raffle. Everyone wants to win them.


    • I have to confess that I also have the pink version of the dress – they are so comfy and easy to wear. I also love that most of Gudrun’s clothes, like my pinnies, have pockets.
      I really hope that the socks end up in a good home, like yours clearly have!!


  3. Lovely! I’ve been eyeing a similar pattern and wondering how to turn it into a dress without the danger of exposing my undies at the back!


  4. I think I have a similar patter and have been wanting to get that apron made. I love aprons that do not rest on the back of the neck as they cause me a headache quickly. Shoulder handbags do the same thing so I’m experimenting with those. I will put it back on the upper part of my list of sewing. You are right, sewing is less social. The clothing to purchase is getting so ugly and uncomfortable, that we must start once again making our own. Your apron turned out wonderful.


  5. I think that is the perfect apron for me too! I have a neck hanger apron which does hurt after a while, though it is capacious and has pockets and is therefore a handy thing – and made in my favourite colours too which doesn’t hurt! It’s never occurred to me to make my own, therefore I have never looked for a pattern. Plus I don’t sew much these days, I’d rather be painting………. Could be a good item for your little shop 🙂


    • I really recommend finding a pattern and having a go – it’s only 3 pieces plus about 7m of binding which goes all the way round the single edge. Once I’d got all the bits I needed, each apron only took two or three hours to make, including cutting and pressing.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Pinnies are such useful items and this looks like a beauty! I don’t mind them hanging from my neck, but they do have to be generous enough to cover all of me. (You have reminded me that we used to have to wear pinnies at school, to protect our uniforms. Imagine trying to enforce that these days!)


  7. They’re both very nice and it’s an interesting pattern, I don’t think I had seen one such before.
    Just the other day I was reading a post on vintage apron patterns, what a coincidence!
    Happy sewing 🙂


  8. These are fabulous. I could use something like this in the garden, where I continually get myself filthy. I like the way it crosses over in back. Must get a small, portable sewing machine…


    • they were easy to make and I’m definitely going to make a denim one or two for the garden. Sewing machines seem to be very cheap now, especially if you only want something that does basic stitches. I’ve had mine – a Singer – since I was 16 and it’s still going strong.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I recently started sewing my own clothes after I gave up trying to find anything in the stores that fitted me or suited my tastes (and after a few post-shopping meltdowns!). I find it relaxing and like putting together a puzzle that has a function once it’s complete. your apron is very cute! U fortunately, even though I have aprons, I never remember to put them on…oops!


  10. Well, that is indeed extremely lovely, well done you. I keep forgetting to use my apron, which I did make myself but which only covers my front (and doesn’t even cover that sometimes when it twists round too much. I’m now pondering the possibility of making a couple of DIY ones – we’re doing a lot of DIY at the minute and I’m wearing old clothes, but that means I have to keep getting changed, and my clothes are getting increasingly stiff with paint and ruined. Maybe a couple of these made from charity shop sheets would work well enough for painting etc? Will investigate…


  11. Love the pinnies!!! Could do with a couple myself, I often manage to get a bit of ink on my clothes when I’m printing 😦


  12. Oooh lovely!


    • I wore one all day today as I made cheese… and now at the end of the day my clothes are nice and clean, but my apron does need a wash!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ah well! It can be easy to make something then never use it for fear of getting dirty, but it is far more fun to use it and enjoy it! That is what you made it for afterall! Hopefully no stains yet though!


  13. Nikki

     /  December 30, 2016

    These look fabulously comfortable – well done! I’ve never considered making my own aprons from scratch, but I bought one recently (it has the most gorgeous pattern) only to find the fabric is a little thin. However, I plan to adapt it by adding a thicker, tougher layer of fabric underneath (for durability) & also finding a way to make it waterproof without losing the lovely pattern on the front. I am too messy in the kitchen not to have a waterproof apron!


  1. Sewing and not | The Snail of Happiness
  2. ScrapHappy January 2019 | The Snail of Happiness
  3. Biased | The Snail of Happiness

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