Three Things Thursday: 4 May 2017

*three things that make me smile: an exercise in gratitude – feel free to steal this idea with wild abandon and fill your blog [or Twitter account or Facebook page or diary or life in general] with the happy*

Inspired by Emily of Nerd in the Brain here are my Three Things Thursday.

First, apple blossom. We returned from our holiday to find our tiny apple tree laden with blossom. The cold north winds in our absence had not damaged it and there is the promise of a good crop again this year.


in the pink

Second, making vaarks. The Sixty Million Trebles group is currently raising funds for the charity Hand in Hand for Syria. Lots of the ladies have admired the little sock creatures designed by Danielle (pattern available here) and so I have made a few that have been snapped up very quickly in exchange for a donation to the charity. Not only is this raising money, it’s also helping me deplete my stash of old socks! I’m going to have a break from making them for now, as I don’t want it to be a chore, but these were fun to do.

Third, (more) stash-busting. I had a big bag of cotton yarn that I bought a couple of years ago for making Knitted Knockers (at the time the knitters bought all the yarn; now they have the funds to purchase yarn to supply their knitters). For logistical reasons I’ve stopped knitting for this particular charity, but still had lots of yarn. I sent KK some whole balls of yarn a little while ago, but I still had many part-balls and a couple of full balls left in my stash. So, I decided to use this for a charity blanket. I’ve made a dent, but there’s probably going to be enough for a second blanket!


stripy charity blanket

So, those are three things making me smile and for which I am grateful. What has made you happy this week?

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  1. I’m happy this week because I had Monday off work, and the sun is actually shining!
    I love vaarks, they’re so cute and quirky!


  2. Oh wow, your three things have made me smile, so that is one, two is that I have needed a stone Lion for years and I may just have found one, if only I am brave enough to go for it and third, I had a lovely thank you email from Danielle who has taken delivery of the Cherished scraps blanket.


    • I’m trying to work out under what circumstances one needs a stone lion… which is also making me smile. Do you, perhaps, have some crenalations to adorn?


  3. I’m happy to be sitting on my bunk with the caravan door open, and hearing the surf breaking on the beach 20 yards away. I’m happy that we have another week here before we have to start the long, long journey home, and I’m happy to have spent quality time today with friends and family I don’t see very often 🙂


  4. Laurie Graves

     /  May 4, 2017

    I’ve decided to include my own Three Things Thursday as a regular feature on my blog. Apple Blossoms, vaarks, and a blanket. All sweet things to be grateful for.


    • I’m so pleased you are going to do this too. I can’t believe that I haven’t missed a week since last summer… I must add up how many ‘things’ I have listed so far.
      I have to confess that there have been weeks when it has been difficult to focus on the positives, but those are probably the times when it is most important.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Laurie Graves

         /  May 5, 2017

        I know just what you mean. Right now, the political situation in the U.S. is such a horror show that it’s easy to spiral into negativity. Three Things Thursday is sort of like a life-raft.


  5. Apple pie, apple crisp, apple turnovers, apple dumplings, apple cake, applesauce, apple jam……. Like Forest Gump, but with apples instead of shrimp, lol



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