Three Things Thursday: 14 December 2017

My weekly exercise in gratitude – three things that are making me smile – feel free to steal this idea with wild abandon and fill your blog [or Twitter account or Facebook page or diary or life in general] with happiness.

First, snow and no snow. Here on the west coast of Wales, because of the influence of the Gulf Stream, we rarely see snow, so it’s a novelty when it falls – as it did on Sunday. However, I only like it when I don’t have to go anywhere (as was the case on Sunday and Monday) and I’m generally pleased to see the back of it. So, it’s been a good week, because it arrived, stayed for a few days and now it’s all gone.

The hens were not impressed and mostly refused to venture out.


Mags and Aliss were not keen

Second, being stuck indoors. The weather on Sunday kept me inside and it gave me the excuse to focus on sorting out parcels for some of my random acts of kindness (part of my 17 for 2017) as well as doing some sewing. Having not used my overlocker for several months it did take me ages to get it threaded and working at the right tension again, but it’s all systems go now.

Third, Sophie. I was too busy to post on my progress yesterday (I was doing some very short deadline editing); so, since she’s making me so happy, I thought I’d share my work today (not blocked, so a bit untidy).

I really like one section in particular – several rows of small stitches in different colours:


simple but lovely

I’m thinking that I might use some of the left-over wool to make something in this style once Sophie is done.


So, that’s some of what’s making me happy this week. How about you?


Emily of Nerd in the Brain originally created Three Things Thursday, but it’s now being hosted by Natalie of There She Goes.

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  1. Your Sophie looks so snuggly and cosy! I’m delighted I have at last finished a blanket for my 8 year old Grandson – it’s been a challenge but he LOVES it. I got a surprise card from one of the followers of my blog which made my heart sing and today I take my Granddaughter (10) to her last climbing session of the term – I love to watch her fearless scaling of the climbing walls and see all the adults – mostly male – watch in awe as she does to splits to reach places they can’t. I was hopeless at sport of any kind so it thrills me to bits to see my grandchildren succeed in all things physical.
    Have a happy week Jan. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. coppicelearner

     /  December 14, 2017

    Sophie looks fabulous! No knitting or crochet for me for a while 😢 but once the cast comes off I shall call it physio and do loads! I have been very grateful for all the offers of help since I broke my wrist, delighted that the heating is now working properly and the company of dogs and cats – plus the internet to keep me occupied.


    • I was thinking about you as I worked on Sophie yesterday and the fact that you won’t be able to knit or crochet. I’m not sure whether you are right or left handed, nor which wrist it is, so I’m not sure whether you can write. I’d have to find some other sort of craft to do if it was me… perhaps making patterns in ink or working on some designs. Please let us know if there’s anything we can do to help – even if it’s just a visit.


  3. That is absolutely stunning! No wonder it’s one of your ‘three things’ this week. What an achievement. Thank you for sharing it.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hurrah for snow that comes when you are at home and goes when you want it to go. I love Sophie , so pretty. My favourite bit is the centre piece. I am once again grateful for the NHS, having no snow and hurrah the French windows are finally in situ.


  5. Laurie Graves

     /  December 14, 2017

    Sophie is a beauty! Snow is a fact of life in winter in Maine. Many of us actually look forward to it, especially that first snowfall, which brings a sort of exhilaration to the air.


  6. Sophie is beautiful, and I agree, that section is particularly nice. And how appropriate to have some snow to make having Sophie on your lap even more agreeable. My three things are a notice from the Tax Office to say I owe them $0, discovering a great movie I’d somehow missed when it came out, and having so many fresh, ripe mangos on our trees that we’ve given away two bucket loads of them so far and the freezer is getting a bit full!


    • You are quite right about having Sophie on my lap. Once she’s finished I think I shall get back to another blanket that has been a WIP for about 3 years… just so I can have an excuse to snuggle under it.
      I do envy you your mangoes and how lovely to be able to be so generous.


      • Cutting them up has become a nightly chore for both of us. Some are small, about the size of a large potato, others are the size of a year-old child’s head. We’ll be thrilled to have the fruit come winter, but for now, we don’t mind giving them away. Plenty more on the tree…

        Liked by 1 person

  7. You crossed my mind when I saw all the British snow on our news the other night. I just assumed that Wales would be blanketed with snow in the Winter months. How civilised of it to fall on Sunday when you can snuggle down inside with Sophie and then disappear! The hens must be pleased too.
    My three things? I made time to finish a sewing project, and I am quite pleased with it, I saw my niece’s little baby for the first time and I got together with good friends the other night. A good week all round.


  8. Murtagh's Meadow

     /  December 14, 2017

    Our chickens didnt venture out into the snow either! Like you it only lasted couple of days and is now gone!


  9. Love the design of the blanket. That takes quite some talent to knit something like that:)


  10. I love how beautiful the snow and Sophie is!


  11. Wow–how big is Sophie at this point?? She’s a good looker!


  12. Oh my goodness, your view! You live in a beautiful place in a country I hope to visit one day. I’m glad you had a bit of snow, and that it fell while you could stay at home. I feel the same way about rain. It’s not much fun to drive in (and drivers here seem to lose their minds on wet roads), but I love to watch it fall. It’s also fun to walk in the rain here, as it is usually a warm rain…when it comes.

    Sophie is a stunning work of art and craft. Go you!

    Today I’m thankful for Throat Coat herbal tea, Slippery Elm lozenges and the warm blanket across my knees as I nurse a crummy cold.



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