Green dogs

Having a dog is not necessarily an environmentally friendly choice. They consume resources and they produce waste. However, I know that my dogs are good for my mental and physical health, plus both are rescues and, therefore, they were ‘going spare’ so to speak. So, with various issues about feeding, entertaining, maintaining doggy health and dealing with waste in mind, over the past few years I have been making changes to try to reduce my dogs’ environmental pawprints, and I think that I have finally achieved the best I’m going to. If you have dogs (or cats), I think it’s worth doing a bit of an environmental audit and seeing where you can make improvements; perhaps my experience and conclusions will be helpful.


This, surprisingly, has been the final thing that I’ve got sorted to my satisfaction. I have been through a variety of foods, up until recently mainly relying on tinned organic meat (i.e. not a complete diet) combined with organic complete dog biscuits. However, both these products were made in Germany and the biscuits came in a plastic sack. I decided to make a concerted effort, therefore, to seek out some food produced closer to home and plastic free. Some extensive searches led me to Naturaw, which is raw food made from high-welfare meat, available in a variety of flavours and it comes packed in home-compostable cartons made from sugar cane waste. The packaging does include wool insulation that’s plastic-covered, but you simply collect this and when you have eight pieces, you send it back and get £5 off your next order. The dogs absolutely love this food (we’ve fed them a partially raw diet for ages, getting minced offal and trim from an organic butcher) and it’s produced in the UK. It’s worth knowing that the company also sells cat food, so if you are looking to get away from those environmentally disastrous pouches, this might be the answer. I also found Clydach Farm, who sell British-produced complete dry dog food packed in paper sacks, so I’ve bought some of this too, although we’re currently using up the last of the old stuff from Germany.

Both companies I am buying from support British farming and do not use plastics in their packaging (apart from the returnable stuff that gets reused). I am able to home compost all the cartons and sacks so I’m taking full responsibility for dealing with the waste… and it’s adding fertility to my garden.


I gave up buying dog biscuits years ago and now make my own: flour, fat, medicinal charcoal powder and water are the only ingredients. Simply rub the fat into the flour, add the charcoal and mix, then add enough water to make a dough. Roll it out, cut it into biscuits and bake in the oven. I usually cook mine when I have the oven on for something else, so don’t even use any extra electricity and the only plastic involved is the bag the charcoal came in.

Dental health

We’ve given up the dental chews and moved over to crunchy carrot sticks. The carrots usually come in bunches from the local organic farm, so there is absolutely no packaging and very few chew miles.


All dogs need collars and leads and ours each have a harness, Daisy also has waterproof overalls and Sam has a waxed jacket. Other than that there are beds and towels and crates. I think the important thing to remember here is that dogs don’t care whether their lead matches their collar or whether they are colour-coordinated with your outfit. With this in mind, we keep our purchases to a minimum, so Daisy is still wearing the collar she arrived with and using Max’s old lead and Sam has had the same collar and lead for the past 10 years. Daisy’s overalls were bought new for her last year, but they should last a good long time and can be repaired; Sam’s waxed cotton coat (with warm lining added by me using a bit of scrap fleece) belonged to a dog we had many years ago. Beds are washable and generally made from scraps or are secondhand.


Sam loves a ball – Daisy is indifferent, so we have a few balls. We buy good quality robust balls (not tennis balls) and these last for years. Sam is a strong chewer, so she needs toys that she can really get her teeth into – recently both she and Daisy have been enjoying pieces of antler that we’ve had for a few years (originally bought because Max was allergic to bones) and in her life she has had a couple of Kong chew toys that have lasted ages.


Although this is probably the issue that most people don’t want to think about, it is one that I resolved a long time ago. Basically my approach is to collect the poo in paper and, if necessary, transport it home in a much re-used plastic bag. Once back home, poo and paper go into a compost bin with a lid that can be secured and a tap at the bottom, so that excess moisture can be drained off. To this we add more paper to ensure that there is plenty of fibre and cold wood ash to increase the pH because poo is acidic. The bin is gradually filled and, after a few months, the contents are transferred to a second bin along with other partly composted material, where it all remains (with a secure lid on) for about a year. Once fully composted, the resultant material (which does not smell) is buried… for example in the bottom of the trench dug for climbing beans each year. We do not use this compost as top-dressing on the vegetable plot, just in case.

There are other approaches – you can buy a dog waste composter that can be buried in the ground, and which releases the nutrients directly into the earth. This was not a viable option for us because we have very shallow soil overlying shale and so digging a pit would have required machinery, plus the soil water is often at the surface, so it would have created surface contamination… our system is contained and controllable. You could burn the waste, but this isn’t very environmentally friendly, or you can simply bin (or even flush it) it and let it be somebody else’s problem – a solution that I was not prepared to accept.

Handling dog waste is necessary for all dog owners – unless you are irresponsible and don’t clean up after them – and care is required. Anyone with health issues needs to be very cautious. Our system requires more than one handling, but with care (gloves, face mask, washing hands, face body and clothes afterwards etc) you can reduce exposure and end up with a useful resource. I personally do not advocate the use of degradable plastic bags – these simply break down into small fragments in the environment and cause additional plastic pollution. If you are not prepared to take responsibility for all aspects of your dog’s life, you shouldn’t have a dog.

So, there you have it – I’ve tried to address all make improvements as far as possible gradually over the years and I think we are all happy with the results.

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  1. Ann Pole

     /  November 27, 2019

    I am impressed. I thought we were doing well by finding a tinned food Chochi actually liked! Poo went down the drain (sorry!) but we did use soil, not cat litter. I do like what you do with the poo, and if we have another cat that will use up the wood ash we currently have no use for.
    You know Steve would always make collars/leads for you? Ant the coats/waterproofs are sheer genius. Well done!


  2. And of course, you can also compost clipped/shed hair and nail clippings too. Steel or ceramic bowls instead of plastic, fabric webbing collars instead of plastic with steel buckles instead of plastic clips. Mouse’s coats are made from cotton outers, cotton batting and recycled PET bottle fleece. As an antidote to loneliness and isolation and depression, though, dogs beat drugs in plastic cards or bottles hands down….


  3. Well, I do it all wrong – except for the plastic and tin conundrums. I feed as much fresh or home made foods as possible (except carrots). Try as I might – and I’ve tried from the time he was three months old – Siddy refuses carrot. He used to take it and then spit it out, now he just does a U-turn at the sight and retreats looking offended. I do feel that as an overindulged member of the family his clothing and toy supply has reached maximum and I have requested that further supplies are not provided. We’ll see…….


  4. I had a couple of dogs in my life many years ago, and these environmental concerns never entered my mind! If a pet ever comes into my life again, I hope I am as conscious about the issues as you are.


  5. Firstly, may I complement Daisy on her ‘way of wearing waterproofs’ – she really is ‘a stunna’. Sam sounds like my Stan whose very existence revolves around chasing and carrying around balls. It’s hard to find something eco friendly but, like you, we only buy robust ones which last. The photo of, I’m assuming Mr. Snail, made me smile as the scene looks exactly like our house of an evening.
    You’ve certainly done a lot of research.
    I looked up the dog food you mentioned but, of course, gettng it from the U.K. would counter the other benefits. We also use dog food made in Germany but it does, at least, come in paper sacks and I buy 60kg at a time so frequency of delivery is reduced.
    I make collars to sell to help out a refuge for old and disabled dogs over here and I do have a range using hemp webbing instead of nylon. I considered metal fasteners but they are so expensive I probably wouldn’t sell any at the price I’d have to charge. Maybe I’ll have another look at costs to see if it would be at all possible to produce a greener collar.
    I recently ordered a box of 50 dental chews, thinking it would be better but was disappointed to see that the box actually contained 10 separate packets of 5 chews which made the plastic consumption even worse. Once these are gone, I’m going to move over to carrots.
    Thanks for passing on all your tips.


    • Daisy is, indeed, a very stylish dog. I took them for a walk along the old railway line yesterday and we once again bumped into the man with a spaniel who tells me that until he met Daisy, he thought his was the most beautiful dog in the world, but he’s had to revise this opinion. I’d think it was a chat-up line, but he’s always there with his wife.
      The research to find the food took ages because I had requirements in terms of ingredients, packaging and origin. I think I’ve made good choices for the UK, but I’m sure I would have chosen differently had I been in France. Sadly, part of the motivation to do the research was Brexit, as I wasn’t sure how easy buying the German food was going to be in the future. A small positive in this whole travesty.


  6. I am suitably impressed with this. You have very green dogs.


  7. Nikki

     /  November 29, 2019

    Absolutely love the idea of doing an environmental audit for your pets! I don’t have pets, but I guess the same could apply to plants? I try to buy UK grown, preferably locally grown plants that are relatively low maintenance, and choose drought resistant varieties where possible (my rainwater collection is a bit haphazard, & during dry months, I do re-use washing up water to water the house plants). Thank you for the inspiration!


    • I like the idea of a plant audit – you could also consider the growing medium (avoid peat-based), whether you can save seeds, suitability for the conditions in your garden/home, longevity, usefulness, multi-functionality… oh, I could go on (I’m a plant ecologist by training).


  8. when I saw the title of this post, I was bemused on what a “green dog” was, now see it’s about being green in the dog world at home…



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