A complete twit

No. not that sort of tweet

No, not that sort of tweet

I have finally bitten the bullet and set up a Twitter account – I think this may mean that I am a Twit! I have to confess that my decision to join is mainly the result of curiosity, and perhaps I am late jumping on the bandwagon, but maybe it will be a good way to promote courses and my yarny creations – who knows?

I would be fascinated to hear other people’s experiences.

Anyway, my user name, unsurprisingly, is thesnailofhappiness and you can tag me @thesnailofhappy (happiness was four letters too many for Twitter). Eventually I will work out how to put a button here on the blog to allow you to follow me, but currently that is just too much of a challenge for my enfeebled brain.

Tweets seem to have an incredibly short life-span unless they get re-tweeted many times, so I don’t really understand how it’s useful for someone like me who doesn’t have hundreds of followers, but we will see…

… and now, in another effort to practice being concise, I’m going to write a Haiku – all will be explained tomorrow.


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  1. If it works for you, that’s great. Twitter is just a step too far for me, and I’ve dropped Instagram as well. Trying to cut down on social media rather than take it up a notch !!!


    • It’s a bit of an experiment, really with a different project in mind. This seemed like a harmless way to test the water, but we shall see! I’m not entirely convinced.


  2. My blog posts automatically get tweeted which results in maybe 2-6 hits on my blog per tweet. I have only had one client so far as a result of twitter so probably not worth it in terms of marketting except…. The marketing gurus say that the average person needs to see your name 6-7 times before they make the move to contact you. Now if seeing my name in tweets is one of those six or 7 it may make a difference. The trouble is I am not web literate enough to work out how many of my new clients if any have seen my tweets some of which do get retweeted even if they are not the ones aimed at promoting my business.

    Still once set up, it is one more way to attract visitors to your site and even if you never look at twitter again once set up it is one more way your blog posts can reach the world.


  3. My blog posts feed my Twitter account too. I love the idea of tweeting ( like a little bird), but in reality most tweets seem so boring. I am sure your tweets will be sweet and joyful. I will follow you and find out.


  4. My blog is linked to my twitter account too (JennyHSkye) I set it up originally as the Association for Science Education has a really good mass twitter-conversation on a Monday evening. Probably aimed more at school teachers than those teaching in tertiary education but it might be worth a look for you.


  5. Congradulations on your Twitter account. I had one before, but I never went to the website even once (lol). I was linked in to Linkin, or however you spell it, and every other spot to promote my blog. Anyway, it could be fun and we shall see what happens.


  6. I have a twitter account which automatically tweets my posts. I don’t believe anyone has ever visited however as a result of said tweets though. The good Lord, David Prosser tweets for me occasionally too which is incredibly sweet of him! I have no idea how to access my twitter account though, as I seem to have lost an important something or other and now I cannot use it or delete it. 🙂 I was going to delete it as it seems to be of little use to me in my technologically challenged state and I am not at all interested in the popular stuff that is tweeted out and ends up as suggestions for me to follow……… However it does appear to do some good for those who are in troubled countries and that is a good thing!

    Good luck with it all xoxo


    • I use Twitter and do get visits to the blog as a result of it. I find that I have kept the twitter account more focused than the blog–almost always on gardening or some Plot Against Hunger issue. Seek out the folks who are doing things you’re interested in and they will widen your reach. Lots of sustainability stuff out there and in your community there may be people who pick you up and retweet as well–the library, your farm (can’t remember its name) nearby, local parks–craft events. You’ll just have to see. I’ve found it useful. Good luck! I’ll follow you–I’m @arlingwoman


      • Thank you for your wise words. I’ve linked with some of my blog followers and relevant contacts. It’s nice to hear from someone who has a positive experience of Twitter 🙂


        • As with the blogging, if you’re doing something positive, that’s mostly what you attract and it can be fun and surprising.


    • Mr Snail is convinced that it’s a complete waste of time, but I’m prepared to have a fiddle with it. I’m not sure that it’s going to make any difference to my readership, but it’s free and I won’t spend huge amounts of time on it, so I think it’s worth a bit of a play.


    • Pauline–you probably just forgot your sign in or password–either of which they’ll give you. Although, I have to say, I have people following me who appear to have abandoned their Twitter accounts…so probably not responsible for the visits I get to the blog as a result of tweeting…


  7. Not my bag but whatever works for you is best I always say 🙂


  8. My problem is too many things to do and not enough time. Doesn’t everyone feel the same?! I made a decision between Facebook and Twitter, and came up with FB, which I drop into from time to time. I have recently joined up to Pinterest as the stats on my Etsy shop showed a large percentage of viewer came from there. I love the look of it, and am able to use it to help store references and things to follow up. We all seem to find the social media outlet where we feel we belong. Have fun on Twitter.


  9. I had a Twitter account but can’t remember the username or password, and since I only ever wrote about 3 tweets and had 5 responses, and I set it up in the first place so I could help out a friend in publishing by following her, I’ve let it lie. Not interested in FB either, but then as I’m not selling anything and have no cause to promote, I’m getting along very nicely without. I hope it works out for you, though 🙂


  10. gentlestitches

     /  April 17, 2015

    experiments are the way to go to find what best works for us. personally I just blog and email and have the ravelry shop which is enough at the moment. key word being at the moment. I just want to spin my friends pet sheep wool into skeins. Unfortunately life requires a lot more from me than that. I wish I could master straw into gold. Who knows???
    LOL! ❤


  11. Good luck with this! Twitter is a mystery to me, and quite likely to stay that way!


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