Dream on… Three Things Thursday

I’m sure that, based on the books I read as a child, autumn is supposed to be full of blustery days suitable for kicking up leaves on a beautiful sunny walk. I’m pretty certain that it’s not supposed to involve dragging a reluctant dog out in the drizzle and them having to sluice him down afterwards because he’s filthy even though we only walked on tarmac. I’m also certain that it’s not supposed to involve needing to put the light on at 3pm because it’s too gloomy to see the computer keyboard (ok the books of my childhood did not involve computers, but you know what I mean!). The season of mellow fruitfulness is, once again, turning out to be the season of things decaying slowly and then blowing away.

So, I’m trying to think of some lovely positive things to focus on and, thus, I thought I’d follow the lead of Emily over at Nerd in the Brain and share with you my ‘Three things Thursday’, in her words:

three things that make me smile: an exercise in gratitude – feel free to steal this idea with wild abandon and fill your blog with the happy

So, without further ado…

I don’t muck about when I’m inspired by a new project, so the dreamcatcher top that I made a start on the other day has progressed well.

Round and round - weaving a dream

Round and round – weaving a dream

I’m loving how easy it is to work on, and I’m amazed how well the random colour combination is working, considering that its choice involved grabbing 10 lots of wool from a few drawers. Of course, each round takes progressively longer, but I’m sure it will be finished pretty soon and my stash will be that much smaller.

The second thing I’m grateful for this week is the skill of Hannah at Spinning a Yarn. On Saturday I asked her if she could spin some more of the Portland wool for me so I could make a hat to match my neck warmer. By Sunday morning she’d already made one hank and by Wednesday I had two hanks in my hand. How about that for service?

These were still fleece less than a week ago!

These were still fleece less than a week ago!

And finally, I’m celebrating being inspired by other bloggers (especially those of you who are sharing pictures of a world without drizzle). Today I have been at a party hosted by “A Momma’s View”… I’ve met all sorts of interesting people and some of them have already been here to visit. It was lovely to see some different blogs and learn some new things… do pop over if you get chance, I’m sure you’ll be more than welcome at the party and you’ll meet some lovely new people.

So, thank you Emily for the inspiration to look on the bright side… sometimes we all need a reminder!

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  1. I swear if I get wet once more I’ll begin to shrink !!! talking of filling your blog with happy thoughts I have post coming out that gives you a mention ….stay tuned 🙂


  2. I shall see if I can’t capture some sunshine to send you, if our own version of grey passes over!


  3. Such a good idea to fill the blog waves with positivity! Even my sun is shining this morning, it must be catching!! 🙂


    • There were rainbows from the light catcher for about 2 minutes this morning, but now the rain is falling and the roof has started leaking – sigh! On the bright side we are having ‘red hot cauliflower’ for dinner using a chilli freshly picked from the limery.


  4. Sorry but we had lovely sunshine in North Yorkshire, the difference between West Wales and East England!


  5. Oh, I’m so very excited that you’ve decided to join in the Three Things Thursday fun! 😀 I do hope you get some sunshine soon…we have lots of it today, but so much wind that going outside is a dangerous activity. 😉


  6. nettyg

     /  November 12, 2015

    Lots of sunshine here, clear blue skies, high wispy white clouds….and best of all, no humidity yet, so a perfect spring day. I’ve just come in from a walk along the river, with the rising sun on my back and enough of a cool breeze off the water to warrant a light cardi……I love these days. I will wish some your way. I like the idea of filling blogland with happiness, …nerdiinthebrain’s idea to have a TTT is such a good one, I might join in next week.



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