Three Things Thursday: 30 November 2017

My weekly exercise in gratitude – three things that are making me smile – feel free to steal this idea with wild abandon and fill your blog [or Twitter account or Facebook page or diary or life in general] with happiness.

First, a new book:IMGP4690

Second, warm water. The boiler broke down at the swimming pool last week. This resulted in one rather chilly swim and then the pool was closed. I’m pleased to say that it’s mended now and the temperature is back to normal. It makes me realise how brave Sarah Foto is with her sea swimming from her home on Hönö Island… check out this post to see what I mean (oh and her photos are sure to make you smile).

Third, mending. I have finally overcome my aversion to darning, and spent a happy hour or so yesterday mending socks. I did curse the poor quality variegated wool (sold as sock wool, but really not suitable) in the blue socks, but was very happy that the plain turquoise yarn from WYS has done so well in the heels and for mending. The mauve is also from WYS and I thought it would be fun to use it to mend both the coloured area and the black of the ‘northern lights’ socks… I am increasingly happy with the idea of visible mending.IMGP4694So, that’s some of what’s making me happy this week. How about you?


Emily of Nerd in the Brain originally created Three Things Thursday, but it’s now being hosted by Natalie of There She Goes.

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  1. What a lovely three things. You can’t beat a new book, or warm water and I like darning. Today it is snowing and when the sun shines on the snow it looks so pretty and makes me smile. I also love watching the birds on the fat balls,they swing back and forth. And I feel gratitude to the chaps who turn out at first light and clear and grit our roads. I heard the lorries round four am today. They are heros as far as I am concerned, saving lives.


    • Our bird feeding station collapsed earlier this year and, although we have a plan to repair it, it hasn’t been implemented yet. Must sort it out soon as I miss watching the birds on the feeders.


  2. Oho! You are a Moominfan! And I suspect it’s getting to the time of year up there when you need cosy socks with no draughty holes.
    I’m grateful for solar powered fairy lights that twinkle cheerfully and imitate the stars we can’t see because of the rainclouds. I’m grateful that I can still sew by hand even if the time I can sew comfortably is getting shorter, and I’m grateful that opportunities to do more work on behalf of Ovarian Cancer Australia are opening up and I may actually be able to make a difference.


  3. coppicelearner

     /  November 30, 2017

    My daughter’s mother-in-law was having a clear out and offered her an old wooden darning mushroom that had been in the family for a long time. She took it to give to me knowing that now I have started knitting my own socks I wanted one but not a plastic one. Now I just need a hole to darn but the WYS wool lasts really well!


    • I have a mushroom too, mine is red with white spots on. Not my mums though, I can’t remember where that one went. Hers didn’t have a handle on either, so I do actually prefer my own. Yes it is wooden. 🙂


    • Mine came from my sister who, for some reason, had two. It lives in my mending box and has had quite a bit of use over the past few years.


  4. Laurie Graves

     /  November 30, 2017

    Three lovely things!


  5. Three good things for which to be grateful. I don’t have the kind of socks that can be darned anymore but remember doing that for many years and enjoyed the meditative feel of it. A new book is almost heavenly and warm water should never be taken for granted. 😉 Have a wonderfilled weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ann Pole

     /  November 30, 2017

    Today I am grateful for a warm house to come home to, with working central heating to warm us after a rather chilly day. This means I am grateful for the infrastructure that makes this possible, a roof over my head, being able to afford said home & heating, and all the things that we tend to take for granted. 🙂


  7. You introduced me to Tove Jansson a while back via a documentary about her life – she was such an interesting person! Your darning looks pretty smooth 🙂 Today I’m happy my daughter wasn’t alone when she fell and broke her leg and ankle. She’s not happy that she is in pain and in hospital and that her life has come to a complete stop for the next two months, but she will get over that.


  8. sarahfoto

     /  November 30, 2017

    Thanks for the re-posting Snail of Happiness! Funny thing is though, I love to swim all year around but hate having a shower in the morning because I feel really cold…


  9. A book on the Moomintrolls and their creator!! I must look for it. I got such a kick out of those books.


  10. Lovely idea? May I use it on my blog too? I have recently started a blog called ToBetterLives which is about happiness and gratitude and similar things. Will credit you the first time of course 🙂


  11. well, thanks for introducing me to Tove Jansson; I have a second cousin Tove in Norway, but a different last name, so the book caught my eye. I’ll see if our library here has any of her books. I love children’s books.
    As to my three things:
    Music, always, and especially Runrig (Scottish band). I have no words to describe what music means to me and what it has done to make my life easier.
    All the teachers in my life, and most of them not in the educational system. The greatest of them all was my mother, who, among other things, had me reading by age four without actually ‘teaching’ me. Books have been a major part of my life ever since
    Language, Languages, words, all of that . . . I am only fluent in English, but I can say, “I’m sorry, I don’t speak xxxxx. I speak/understand only a little” in several languages. LOL
    Wordplay is a great source of entertainment among my siblings and with my cousin. Literature and poetry, especially some of that written by Gerard Manley Hopkins.
    Thanks again for this. I like your three things, too; new books, warm water and darning. I love darning, too, and in my storage is a darning egg. I had forgotten that some people use mushrooms instead of eggs. Mine is wooden, too.
    Have a wonderful weekend. ~ Linne


  12. love visible mending!! the only way to be happy with a jumper full of holes 😉 means I can sew lots of tiny stars on it



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