Three Things Thursday: 30 November 2017

My weekly exercise in gratitude – three things that are making me smile – feel free to steal this idea with wild abandon and fill your blog [or Twitter account or Facebook page or diary or life in general] with happiness.

First, a new book:IMGP4690

Second, warm water. The boiler broke down at the swimming pool last week. This resulted in one rather chilly swim and then the pool was closed. I’m pleased to say that it’s mended now and the temperature is back to normal. It makes me realise how brave Sarah Foto is with her sea swimming from her home on Hönö Island… check out this post to see what I mean (oh and her photos are sure to make you smile).

Third, mending. I have finally overcome my aversion to darning, and spent a happy hour or so yesterday mending socks. I did curse the poor quality variegated wool (sold as sock wool, but really not suitable) in the blue socks, but was very happy that the plain turquoise yarn from WYS has done so well in the heels and for mending. The mauve is also from WYS and I thought it would be fun to use it to mend both the coloured area and the black of the ‘northern lights’ socks… I am increasingly happy with the idea of visible mending.IMGP4694So, that’s some of what’s making me happy this week. How about you?


Emily of Nerd in the Brain originally created Three Things Thursday, but it’s now being hosted by Natalie of There She Goes.