Three Things Thursday: 22 December 2016

As usual I’m joining with Emily of Ms Emily’s Home for Full-Grown Nerds (and others) for Three Things Thursday. As she says…

*three things that make me smile: an exercise in gratitude – feel free to steal this idea with wild abandon and fill your blog with the happy*

First, I’m grateful to the folks who sent me biscuit recipes as a result of my post on the subject. Yesterday I had fun making digestives using a recipe from Kate Murray and shortbread biscuits from a recipe sent by Sue, both successful… perhaps I should coat them with chocolate?



Second, I’m grateful for the inspiration I’m getting from a new crochet book. I was getting a bit bored with familiar patterns and I love having a real book to browse through rather than the internet… the results will all go into a blanket for charity and I’m still using up left-over yarn.

Third, I know the days are only going to get longer very gradually, but I’m grateful and enjoying the beautiful morning skies we have seen recently without having to leap out of bed at early o’clock.


no need to get up early to see the dawn

So, those are three things making me smile this week – what about you?